If you shop for merchandise and place your orders through BIGDADDYLADDER.COM., any personal information that you may share with us is kept absolutely private. Neither your name nor anything about you is sold or shared with any other company or agency.
If you have any further questions please call us toll free at 1-866-272-2060 or e-mail us including your name and mailing address, at Questions About Privacy.
Big Daddy Ladder.com goes to great lengths to keep your financial information private and safe. All credit card transactions occur in a secure area of our site, to protect you from any loss, misuse or alteration of information collected. If that security were ever breached, it would cost you nothing- so you can buy online with confidence.
If you order at Big Daddy Ladder., merchandise by mail, phone or through the internet you will receive our quartely catalog. If you do not want to have your name on this list please call 1-866-272-2060.